Thursday, February 16, 2012


In my "Beautiful, again" post I identified "obsessive pursuit of given objectives" to be a flaw.  I never meant this to be work or art objectives.  I meant things like... 1000km through Bavaria in a day.  Going from St. Louis to Chicago through Iowa for no other reason than to say we've been to Iowa. Visiting all the missions between here and LA (or as many as humanly possible) on one trip....

Wait, that was my idea.*


*And let's not forget the Great Barney Hunt of Christmas, 1992, or The Search For Optimus Prime of Christmas, 2006.** Or the "let's find a laser pointer in Amsterdam" fiasco (they're illegal in the Netherlands). All of these were my fault.

**The first of these involved calling or going to every toy store in the Metro D.C. area, and being put on numerous waiting lists and finally getting one on December 23 only because someone else failed to get to the toy store at Tyson's Corner between 11:00 a.m. and noon to pick theirs up.  Because I started late, Optimus Prime required calling toy stores in four counties (Santa Clara, San Mateo, San Francisco, and part of Alameda), only to find them the day before Christmas at... the Target a mile from our house. They had got a late shipment in, and because they were trying to unload them, they had them 10% off.  A toy store in San Francisco wanted double the price for the damned thing.  I refused, and kept calling.  I don't know what became of good old O.P., but we had the Barney for years and years after the kids had outgrown it because I could not bear to part with a toy I had gone to so much trouble for.


  1. The Alhambra, Gibralter and Morocco... in <2 days! :)

    1. Oh, yes. Gibraltar falls into the "we're not actually going to look at anything, but simply to add another country to our list" category. I sort of think Morocco does as well, at least for me. I really don't think eight hours in Tangiers should qualify me as having visited the continent of Africa.
