Thursday, May 24, 2012

John Scalzi once again nails it.

In 2005, in the wake of Katrina, writer John Scalzi wrote a piece called "Being Poor" on his blog.  It hit a resounding chord in a lot of folks -- even people who have never been truly poor, like myself. I made all my kids read it.

A week or so ago, Scalzi wrote a piece called "Lowest Difficulty Setting," about how privilege in our society can be analogized to video game settings.  It's brilliant.  If you are one of the few people who have not run across this on your Facebook or Twitter feeds, I strongly encourage you to read it.

I can tell how widespread this has become: two days ago The Red-Headed Menace came into the kitchen and said he had seen something I needed to read -- and showed me Scalzi's piece.  He had found it all on his own; it was making the rounds among his friends.

Scalzi has made explaining what can be a difficult concept a lot easier. I'm glad his brilliant analogy is getting out there, especially to young men.

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