Thursday, November 03, 2011

The Blogroll is back.

I have reinstated my blog roll, which I got rid of a while ago, mainly because several of the links were to blogs that had gone dormant.  Of special note is the late, lamented Respectful Of Otters.  While Rivka's kids are amazingly cute and alarmingly smart, I sort of wish she still had time to blog.  She is a thoughtful, occasionally snarky observer of the world, and her posts on public health issues were superb. That said, having two children under the age of seven will definitely eat up all your time.

I have segregated the "serious" sites from places such as The Onion and Mental Floss.  I have included God Hates Shrimp because, while most people do not need to visit it more than once, everyone should visit at least once.

Warning: If you have any interest in popular culture or literature, is the biggest time sink I have ever encountered. The author of xkcd agrees with me.

[Edited to add: the rollover text on the xkcd comic reads: " is another inexplicable browser narcotic. They could write a list of  '17 Worst Haircuts in the Ottoman Empire' and I'd read through to the end, and then click on all the links at the end."  Of course, is also on my blogroll.  Enjoy.]

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