Tuesday, March 06, 2012

This is who I am.

In a job workshop yesterday, we were encouraged to write down all the roles we fill in the world.  In my inimitable style, I decided to be as complete as possible, beyond any point of reasonableness.

I am:

A woman.
A wife.
A mother.
A lover.
A daughter.
A sister.
A loving friend.
A consumer.
A writer.*
A volunteer.
A job-seeker.
A lover of the written word.
[Edited to add: I forgot three:
An art lover.
A music lover.
A trivia fiend.]
A jewelry maker.
A former lawyer.
A humble seeker of truth.
A believer in democracy.
A progressive.
An American.
A Democrat.
A Floridian
A Californian**
An alumna of Wellesley and Stanford Law.
A patient, sometimes.***
An observer of the things around me.
A thinker.
An ocean person who looks wistfully towards the horizon.

A human being, with all that entails.  As such, I am entitled to all the dignity all human beings deserve by virtue of their humanity.

An emotional person, by turns loving, caring, funny, angry, disorganized, confused, sad, happy, passionate, thoughtful.

A dancer along the edge of life.

All of these roles and attributes make up who I am, like the dots of color on a pointillist painting. Concentrate on one part of the picture, and you miss the resolution into the whole.

Who are you?

*I steadfastly hold that this blog,  under the Scalzi definition, constitutes writing. I do not claim, however, that it is good writing.
**These two are not mutually exclusive.
***I hate to put this down; while it true that this is a role I fill, I do not want to define myself by it.

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