Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like ... well, whatever.

Rocket Scientist dropped by my room last night, smirking.  "It's an anniversary!" he proclaimed.  "Oh, yeah?  Of what?" I replied.

"It's been six years since your 'Prado Moment'!"

I was very good.  Although my reponse is not repeatable in polite company, I did not actually throw anything at him.


  1. I'm impressed nothing was aimed at his head. You showed remarkable restraint!

  2. I admit, when he pointed out the anniversary to me (though not in quite the same way), I wondered if he'd been unthinking enough to do that.

    As usual, I admire the grace and skill with which you do not kill him. :)

  3. Dangerpudding: hee hee. :)
