Wednesday, December 12, 2012

More realistic problems.

Looking at my last post, I have to face the fact that the self-flagellation I engage in is a luxury.

I don't have to worry about living on a few dollars a day.
I don't have to decide between food and drugs.
I have not had my child just die from measles.  According to the WHO, this happens every fifteen minutes somewhere in the world.
I don't have to worry that I am going to lose my house.
I have healthy sons.
I have my brain.
I am not struggling against cancer.
I have friends who love me.
I don't have rockets raining down on my house.
I don't have to worry about my home being bulldozed as part of a turf war.
I don't have to worry about armed men showing up at my door killing my family.
I don't have to worry about losing my livelihood due to drought.
I have not had my home and neighborhood destroyed by a storm.
Or an earthquake.
I don't have to worry about my kids getting shot on the way to school.

And, in so many ways, my life could be so much more miserable.  So I just need to chill.