Being a phone banker has been an... interesting ... experience for me.
I like my bosses, who do a good job of maintaining morale. I like my coworkers, and the esprit d' corps which we have seemed to have created for ourselves.
It's just that I quite frankly suck at this job.
Not bad enough to get fired, but I am certainly resoundingly mediocre. What saves me is my work ethic: I show up early every day, only leave my station during official breaks, never leave before we're let go. I work as hard as I can. I am sweet and helpful and... only marginally competent.
And, unfortunately, with only two more days to go, I am not going to have time to develop any sort of basic mastery of good telemarketing technique.
I hate that. I need to be, if not the best at everything, then certainly good at it. And I'm not, and won't be.
There is precedence, sadly: I was not a particularly good lawyer, either, expensive law school education notwithstanding.
You don't need to be good at everything, honestly. I suck at waiting tables, and at being an accountant (which was my first degree). I figure for everything I suck at, there's something I rock at, and I would guess the same is true for you.