Sunday, October 02, 2011

PSA: This is all about me. Sorry.

I was reading a book about blogging recently.  (I gave it back to the library and I don't remember the title, which shows how much of an impression it made on me.)  One of the points it made was that in order to develop a readership one needs to have a subject matter and consistent point of view to one's blog.

I can sort of manage the point of view, but single subject matter? Ha.

I write this blog to write about things I would want to talk about with my friends.  I use it to express my feelings on a whole host of subjects, from all the various streams than run through my particular consciousness. I use it to exercise my brain, and to remind myself that I am more than the very small narrow boxes I tend to put myself into.  As I struggle with self-definition in the wake of my primary role in the world -- caregiver for three growing boys -- becoming rapidly obsolete, this blog becomes a place of exploration.

I also think, like many people, that I am just as susceptible as others to the illusion that somehow what I say or think is interesting to people who know nothing about me. I keep wondering if this is my own special variant of the national psychosis known as the cult of celebrity; not only that everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes, but that everyone can and should want to be famous for fifteen minutes.

Mostly, though, it is a place for me to write because I have to write.  I become another person when I write.  My harmless and anxious personality becomes more emphatic. I feel stronger, and freer, and more dangerous on these pages.  I feel more... me.

So, as solipsistic as it might be, this is about me.  This means you may be subject to a mad variety of subjects with no warning, from politics and law to what my kids or family say to rather boring navel-gazing like this.  Please pick what you like, and leave the rest.

And if there is something that speaks to you?  Please comment.  It is nice to talk to people.


  1. I always assume a personal blog is just that - personal. All of the "increase your readership!" and "grow your blog!!" suggestions always seem to want to turn a blog into a product to sell, which, if it's more a professional blog makes sense (I read a lot of professional blogs, as well as personal) but for personal ones, like my own, well, like you said, mine is all about me.

    That's not a bad thing :-D

    And, hey, I can comment from Firefox again!! Yay!!

  2. Firefox has indeed been a pain. There are personal blogs which are "communities" rather than simply blogs (Making Light comes to mind)but I doubt this will ever be that type of blog. I think I would do well with getting a consistent readership of more than ten people a day. : )
