Saturday, February 02, 2013

I'm your only friend, I'm not your only friend, but I'm a little glowing friend, but I'm not actually your friend, but I am....

Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch*
Who watches over you
Make a little birdhouse in your soul
Not to put too fine a point on it
Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet
Make a little birdhouse in your soul....

*I do in fact have a blue canary night light.  It was a Christmas present two years ago, and when I got it the Rocket Scientist spent part of Boxing Day rewiring the light switch next to my closet to have an outlet as well as a switch.  So now I have a "blue canary in the outlet by the light switch."  I cannot tell you how happy this makes me.


  1. That may have been one of the best gifts I've ever gotten anyone... :-).

    1. It certainly was. I know it was one of the best gifts I've ever gotten from anyone : )
